pages added and acupuncture information coming
ACUPUNCTURE BENEFITS pages added and acupuncture information coming
SEE THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO OF MILITARY ACUPUNCTURE ACUPUNCTURE BOOSTS PREGNANCY SUCCESS RATES. Two studies, one in Acupuncture in Medicine and the other in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, found a benefit when acupuncture was used on the day an embryo was transferred into a woman's uterus. The study from the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation also found that women with polycystic ovary syndrome and men who had infertility issues with no known cause also received benefit from acupuncture. Dr. Jamie Grifo, director of the New York University Fertility Center and director of the division of reproductive endocrinology at the NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, said that "acupuncture does help patients have better success."
Acupuncture helps in labour and birthing a new research report shows. Experts from universities including Liverpool, Warwick and Manchester, said: During pregnancy, women should be told about the benefits and potential adverse effects on themselves and their babies of the different methods of pain control." "Overall, women should feel free to choose whatever pain management, including Acupuncture, they feel would help them most during labour.
Acupuncture was described as an intervention that "may work" in pain relief with fewer adverse effects than pain killers. Acupuncture decreased the use of forceps and ventouse in delivery, with acupuncture also decreasing the number of caesarean sections. Jefferson Animal Hospital BATON ROUGE uses pet Acupuncture to help pets with pain following an injury or surgery. Dr. Larry McCaskill is a certified veterinary acupuncturist and uses natural treatments to help pets enjoy pain relief when traditional methods, like anti-inflammatories, are ineffective.
A pediatric nurse at BC Children’s Hospital, Melani Waterman, 40, has used Acupuncture in a bid to become pregnant. After 2 and a half years of trying, Waterman believes it wouldn’t have been possible without acupuncture. The result after acupuncture and other treatments is twins Lukas and Charlotte. Melani said she was initially uncomfortable about acupuncture, but the procedure wasn’t as difficult as she had thought. “I left the Acupuncture clinic so relaxed” she said. There were infertility problems, the result of age, stress and low sperm count, that were assisted by acupuncture.