The Government funded Cochrane Research found that acupuncture is an effective prevention for “tension type” and “migraine type” headaches. Two studies included 33 trials and more than six thousand patients. Patients had at least eight weeks of acupuncture treatment and suffered less headaches than those control groups given up appropriate standard medical drugs. And those given acupuncture had no side effects. Sgt. Rick Remalia has pain everyday. He broke his back, hip and pelvis in a rollover caused by an attack in Afghanistan. He still moves with a cane and has mild traumatic brain injury. "I've had a lot of treatment, and acupuncture is the first treatment where I've been like, OK, wow, I've actually seen a really big difference," he said. Col. Rochelle Wasserman is the head doctor for the Warrior Transition Battalion at Fort Campbell, Ky, and the unit's physician and trained acupuncture practitioner. Military doctors have recently turned to acupuncture in special pain clinics and for troops in battle zones. Last year, the Army surgeon general began making the acupuncture treatments more widely available.
HOSPITAL HAS ACUPUNCTURE FOR PARKINSONS DISEASE. Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, New Jersey has been joined by acupuncture practitioner Alexander Krych L.Ac, who specializes in treating Parkinson’s and neurological syndromes. “Acupuncture helps relieve many types of chronic and acute disorders and has proven to be beneficial for patients who do not respond to traditional treatment or medication,” said Julie Taw, MD, Medical Director.
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